2021 Online Conference Vendors

St. Athanasius Academy

This academy exists to aid parents in the teaching of the faith to their children. We see ourselves as a supplement designed to support the parents in the areas where help is desired. Our teachers encourage weekly engagement between the student and the family. The academy is classically influenced. Students experience live engagement with each other and the teacher through our virtual classroom software, Moodle.com. Our teachers will lead 5-10 students in a private video conference call. Parents are allowed to silently monitor live video sessions. We hold to the universal Christian Faith that has been believed everywhere, always and by all, embracing St. Vincent of Lerins’ ancient hermeneutic of universality, antiquity, and consensus. Visit St Athanasius Academy online at www.saaot.edu.

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Eighth Day Books

Eighth Day Books has specialized in classic books across the disciplines of art, science, and the humanities since 1988, when we first opened our store in Wichita, Kansas. From the beginning, we have not been a typical independent bookstore; we eschew the trendy, and do not carry books solely based on their saleability. Instead, we're selective, offering an eccentric community of books based on this organizing principle: if a book (be it literary, scientific, historical, or theological) sheds light on ultimate questions in an excellent way, then it's a worthy candidate for inclusion in our catalog.

Reality doesn't divide itself into "religious" and "literary" and "secular" spheres, so we don't either. We're convinced that all truths are related and every truth, if we pay attention rightly, directs our gaze toward God. One of our customers found us "eclectic but orthodox." We like that. We also resonate with St. Justin Martyr in his Second Apology (paraphrased a bit): that which is true, is ours. Visit Eighth Day Books online at www.eighthdaybooks.com.

10% off any purchase at Eighthdaybooks.com during the SEM Online Conference.  Code: StEmmelia21 (minimum purchase $5).


Emilia’s Post

Emilia’s Post, named for St. Emilia of Caesarea, mother of Saints, began as an effort to find beauty and healing through art, and growth in the wisdom and love of Christ through the words of the Saints, Scripture, and the world’s great authors.

Kelsey creates worlds for words to live in, sharing these warm, inviting, and beautiful worlds with you and your home. Her primary influences are Scripture, children’s literature, Orthodox hymns, art and architecture, and quotes by great authors. Visit Emilia’s Post online at emiliaspost.com.

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Parousia Press

Parousia Press takes its name from the Greek word parousia (παρουσία), which is an arrival or official visit, as from a king or emperor. In the Christian tradition, parousia is the Second Coming of Christ, the event for which we spend our Earthly lives preparing.

The people who make up Parousia Press are Natalia and Maria: adult converts to the Orthodox Church, homeschooling moms (between us, we have seven children under the age of eight), and generally busy people. We are familiar with the daily struggle to find time for our spiritual lives amid the demands of housework, schoolwork and the rest. We strive to live our daily lives in sync with the church calendar but it is difficult to juggle daily information from Scripture, the Synaxarion, prayer books and the liturgical calendar.

So we set out to create the resources we wanted but could not find: organizing tools and homeschooling resources that keep Christ, Scripture, saints, feasts, and fasting before us every day. Our aim at Parousia Press is to create tools that unite our spiritual lives with our daily lives, thereby truly inhabiting our little churches. Visit Parousia Press online at parousiapress.com.

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