4 Reasons to Attend the EAST Conference

by Mindi Popovich-Schneider

If you haven’t attended a Family Homeschool Conference, you may be thinking, “what’s all the fuss about?” Well, there’s plenty to fuss about, but here are just a few of the many reasons you and your family should join us April 18th-21st at AV Camp!

#1. The speakers. If you haven't heard Bp. ANTHONY speak before, you're in for a treat! On top of that, Andrew Kern and Drs. David and Mary Ford will be featured, along with other knowledgeable, insightful homeschool parents!

#2. The location. We're thrilled to be at Antiochian Village Camp this year, and all that entails: heated one-family cabins with private bathroom, beautiful hiking trails, AV Ball and campfires, the relics of St. Raphael of Brooklyn, Fr. Chris and the rest of the wonderful staff...the list goes on! 

#3. The friendships. We can't say this enough: what makes our Family Homeschool Conferences unique is the opportunity for all ages to fellowship  with other Orthodox homeschoolers. Our volunteers are hard at work planning activities that will allow adults and kids time to get to know each other and form long-lasting friendships!

#4. We will make it possible for your family to come! Thanks to generous donors, we have scholarships available. You can also get additional discounts by assisting with a children's workshop or sharing housing with friends. Email programs@saintemmelia.com for more info. If you are experiencing any barriers to attending, please reach out!

There you have it: four of the MANY reasons to come! What did we miss? Why does your family attend the regional conferences?

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